Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are the chemicals found in our everyday products / actions we do on a daily basis that negatively effect our body’s hormones…

and a few might surprise you...

  • plastic tupperware + “non-stick” cookware which has toxic ingredients, micro-plastics, and chemicals that can leech onto food. stick with glass when you can.

  • synthetic based candles contain estrogen-mimicking chemicals (which can also be found in our beauty products). choosing candles with a soy base and fragranced with essential oils is best.

  • too much caffeine. we’re hiking up our cortisol, disrupting our natural sleep cycle, shifting our blood sugar, the list goes on. 1-2 cups a day max please.

  • skipping healthy fats. your hormones thrive on fats and are BUILT by fats and proteins! don’t give into the non-fat foods just to save calories - save your hormones instead.

  • consistent blue light exposure. this disrupts our melatonin production and can throw us off our circadian rhythm. 
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