About Me

Hi, I'm Ann! 

I'm a certified Holistic Health Coach, ACE certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and hold my degree in Integrative Nutrition with the American College of Health Sciences. I have always had a profound love and passion for nutrition, fitness, and wellness in any form. 

My health journey towards a more balanced and freedom based relationship with food began in 2017 as I worked through my own unhealthy relationship with food and my body. Through the great ups and the greater downs of this healing journey, I realized that it never ends.

We are all working through something or working towards something, and the journey to get there, no matter how tumultuous it may be at times, is a genuinely gorgeous thing. 

This is how I recognized my passion for helping others with their relationships with food, their body, their mental health, and their journey. 

Being "healthy" is much more than how much we workout or the foods we eat, but it encompasses and starts with our mindset first. When we're armed with a healthy self mindset, we're armed with further trust and faith in ourselves.

I always like to say that when you're one of my clients, you're not just a client, you're a friend. You're a partner in crime as we grow together. ...even if that all sounds a little cheesy, it's true. 

Other than all that, I am a proud mama of three dogs (Norman, Squid, and Matilda) along with an addiction to midday chocolate treats, face masks, and queso. 

Can't wait to meet you.