5 Tips On How To Beat Bloating

I get it, bloating can be uncomfortable. These are my five go-to ways to prevent and decrease bloating.

Just to be clear though, bloating is natural and nothing to be embarrassed of - we all bloat! We bloat after a meal, we can bloat after working out, we can bloat from stress, we can bloat from being sick, we can bloat on our periods - etc etc. Just reminding you that's it's okay and normal to bloat - if it isn't causing any pain of course.

Tip 1: Water

When we become bloated, it can be due to excess sodium or dehydration that leads to constipation from food not being able to digest properly. When we’re bloated it’s natural to not want to drink or eat anything more, but water is the one thing that will help flush out sodium + toxins + get your digestion moving and grooving again.

To prevent bloating, I always make sure I hit at least 20 ounces of water before 12 PM to make sure I’m on track with my water everyday. My favorite water bottle for support: Stanley Blush Pink Tumbler 

Tip 2: Herbal Support

Peppermint + dandelion root tea are my absolute FAVORITES for debloating QUICK! Dandelion root is a natural diuretic, so it can help to assist in decreasing any water retention that is causing us to feel heavy and bloated. 

Peppermint is a natural nervine (helping us to relax) and provides a lot of support to our digestion by relaxing the gut and assisting in gas from bloating. Once our stomach has the ability to relax and stop having intestinal spasms, proper digestion can continue.

Peppermint Tea + Dandelion Root Tea

Tip 3: Probiotics + Prebiotics 

Bad gut health can not only lead to anxiety, poor digestion, skin problems, and more - but one of the most common symptoms is bloating. Prebiotics I like to say lay the foundation and prepare your body for good bacteria that comes from taking probiotics. Foods like yogurt, aged cheese, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and other fermented foods help to do this. Prebiotics are in your fiber packed foods like fruits + veggies (pears have the highest fiber content of all!) 

I also like to take a probiotic daily too to ensure I'm getting in a decent amount. 

DeBloat Probiotic + Daily Probiotic 

Tip 4: Stress Support

Stress can induce elevated cortisol in the body. For those of us with sensitive stomachs, the symptoms of elevated cortisol are usually first to show up there. Bloating, cramping, indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea can all start to manifest. Keeping your cortisol under control is key. This can be done with lifestyle additions of journaling, yoga, mediation, therapy, walking, etc. I also like to take an Ashwagandha supplement when I'm super anxious so I can prevent stress. 

My favorite Ashwagandha Gummy

Tip 5: Sleep 

Sleep is the time in which our body can not only relax, but repair. When we do not get enough quality sleep, this contributes to negative effects on our hormones, hunger levels, mental health - all of which can contribute to poor digestion and increased bloating. 

My Bed Time Essentials

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