23 Things I Learned In 2023

  1. Listen to your anxiety. 
  2. You can control your reactions to your emotions.
  3. Although it may be scary, being vulnerable feels so rewarding. 
  4. Keeping boundaries show respect for yourself and show others how to respect you. 
  5. Second chances aren’t always meant to be given out. Why aren’t you giving yourself enough chances but giving them to other people?
  6. Learn to lean on yourself for love and support before anyone else. 
  7. Nurture the relationships with your friends and family. 
  8. When in doubt, say yes to the opportunity. 
  9. Fake the confidence you need and roll where it takes you. Delusional confidence is IN!
  10. Trust your gut. 
  11. Don’t determine your worth according to people you don’t respect or want to be like. 
  12. Rest shouldn't be a reward for reaching burnout.
  13. Listen to your mom. 
  14. Listen to your body, but actually listen to it and give it what it needs. 
  15. Your eating disorder isn't a safety blanket, it’s just your way of replacing one hurt with another. 
  16. It’s okay to not be available simply because you don’t want to do something.
  17. Take someone for who they are now, not who they want to be / their potential. 
  18. Stop rushing. 
  19. It’s not embarrassing to ask questions. 
  20. It’s okay to not have an immediate answer to something. 
  21. It’s okay to change your mind.
  22. Mistakes can be positive, because you now have a better sense of right and wrong.
  23. Did you do one thing today that is taking you to where you want to be and who you want to be? 
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